Friday, September 29, 2006

The Culmination

And I thought I could defy the laws of nature. But I forgot that I was just a trivial mortal standing against the mighty forces of the nature. I was adamant, I was stubborn, but the naturist dogma says that what ever is too hard and too rigid, breaks, and perishes and get extinct more easily.

I thought that when I’ll reach the peak of the Bell Graph, I’ll start a new rising graph from that point; as if there was no falling from where I stand. I would make it a firm ground and keep rising and rising but………..

I should have known that I wasn’t very different from those 600 billion something and however hard I try I’ll fall in the category of HOMO SAPIENS. This means I stand exposed to all the nuisances of this world. I thought I would set an example of being an initiator, an innovator, a reformist but I ended up being a victim, a perpetrator, a delinquent.

Either I do or I die.

I wanted to finish up, wrap up my old declining graph and to put in the best in the new graph which was about its peak. But before I could do anything to the old one, the new one started on its declining trajectory. I thought I was very close to the peak but I was wrong. I was on the peak and by a wink I was on the other side of the graph, the declining, reclining, fading and eliminating phase of it.

I knew not it then, I know not it now and I may know not it in future as well; why after the peak the graph has to fall; why can’t there be another rising graph from that peak…WHY?????????????????

Why when the things are at its best, they have to deteriorate from there?
May be the answer lies in nature itself.
• When the fruit is ripest, that is the point of consuming it, after that it starts decaying.
• When a thing thrown in air reaches its highest point, it starts falling from there.
• When a man attains its best around mid 40’s, he starts getting older and older.

This is the NATURIST DOGMA. I wish I could have been unnatural to defy the daunting forces of nature. I WISH I COULD!!!!


Edyta said...

Hello Ravi,
I wish to say that i agree: sometimes we all wanna rise above homo sapiens group but we just can not. That kind of evolution hasnt touched us yet.
& ya know what have i spotted? That sometimes ppl r like fruit: they start decaying. Not really literally (unless we're speaking abt gangrene)
Dont you sometimes wish we could correct it all?
I adore your way of thinking. Keep it up. Briliant. Something I could never have done.

Anonymous said...

Its kind of fun to do the impossible....

Let me ask you a question, how do you know its a declining trajectory ....reclining, fading and eliminating? Dont you think it may also be a new beginning; full of spirit & potential. Not always what we see is not the truth, sometimes we need to close our eyes to see.

You know what, I cant be pessimistic at all; what astonished me most in the world is the inability of force to create anything. In the long run, the sword is always beaten by the spirit. We need to understand that.

I know....experience is a hard teacher; but we are also determined; shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire..."Give us the tools and we will finish the job."

Sometimes, I too can't wait for success; so I move ahead without it...ha ha ha ha!!

Anonymous said...

Its kind of fun to do the impossible....

Let me ask you a question, how do you know its a declining trajectory ....reclining, fading and eliminating? Dont you think it may also be a new beginning; full of spirit & potential. Not always what we see is not the truth, sometimes we need to close our eyes to see.

You know what, I cant be pessimistic at all; what astonished me most in the world is the inability of force to create anything. In the long run, the sword is always beaten by the spirit. We need to understand that.

I know....experience is a hard teacher; but we are also determined; shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire..."Give us the tools and we will finish the job."

Sometimes, I too can't wait for success; so I move ahead without it.

Anonymous said...

no updates??