Friday, September 29, 2006

The Culmination

And I thought I could defy the laws of nature. But I forgot that I was just a trivial mortal standing against the mighty forces of the nature. I was adamant, I was stubborn, but the naturist dogma says that what ever is too hard and too rigid, breaks, and perishes and get extinct more easily.

I thought that when I’ll reach the peak of the Bell Graph, I’ll start a new rising graph from that point; as if there was no falling from where I stand. I would make it a firm ground and keep rising and rising but………..

I should have known that I wasn’t very different from those 600 billion something and however hard I try I’ll fall in the category of HOMO SAPIENS. This means I stand exposed to all the nuisances of this world. I thought I would set an example of being an initiator, an innovator, a reformist but I ended up being a victim, a perpetrator, a delinquent.

Either I do or I die.

I wanted to finish up, wrap up my old declining graph and to put in the best in the new graph which was about its peak. But before I could do anything to the old one, the new one started on its declining trajectory. I thought I was very close to the peak but I was wrong. I was on the peak and by a wink I was on the other side of the graph, the declining, reclining, fading and eliminating phase of it.

I knew not it then, I know not it now and I may know not it in future as well; why after the peak the graph has to fall; why can’t there be another rising graph from that peak…WHY?????????????????

Why when the things are at its best, they have to deteriorate from there?
May be the answer lies in nature itself.
• When the fruit is ripest, that is the point of consuming it, after that it starts decaying.
• When a thing thrown in air reaches its highest point, it starts falling from there.
• When a man attains its best around mid 40’s, he starts getting older and older.

This is the NATURIST DOGMA. I wish I could have been unnatural to defy the daunting forces of nature. I WISH I COULD!!!!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Final Conflict

It started as all good things start. I was happy, enjoying the new thing, exploring the unknown, trying to fit in facts and figures just like that broken card game wherein you put pieces together to make a picture. It’s always interesting to do that the first time, with someone the first time, for someone the first time and being done by someone for the first time.

It’s strange and perplexing that what ever thing I tend to delve on has this binomial distribution graph, yes that bell shaped graph. Things starting from no where, then they start accelerating towards good, better and best. They attain the peak and leave you with only memories that you can cherish your whole life. Now starts the deceleration. Out of the blue, things start getting poor, bad and worst. I never understand when you have attained that peak why things start deteriorating from that point. I feel that should be the point of a new start, you are at the best point; you have now nothing new to explore or know. This should be ideally the starting point. But strangely this doesn’t happen. And I know not why.

Yet I have decided to change this for the first time. I’m adamant to defy the law this time. My stubbornness is my companion in this Endeavour. I have already defied few stated laws but they weren’t that specific or rigid. The big ordeal begins now. The moment I know I’m at the peak, I’ll go for that start. As of now I know I’m very near it, but that is only a prima facie evidence and not a conclusive one. Either I Do or I Die.

This new graph still needs to see the light of dawn, but that old graph is still there in its last stages.
I’m due for that final conflict. I evaded the confrontation and stepped back in between. But it’s like death, if it’s going to come, its going to come. No matter whatever you do. Every now and then I get some news and that adrenalin starts pumping in anticipation of a confrontation. It hasn’t happened yet, and I know not when it will happen. I wish it happens soon. I don’t want this graph to get prolonged and clash with the new graph which is about its peak. When I start there, I don’t want extra baggage. But this is life and this is the “PERPETUAL PARADOX” of Spirit……..