Saturday, July 22, 2006

I Desire

The more I try to understand life the more it perplexes me, the more I try to understand people the more they confuse me, the more I try to have friends the more strangers I come across. It’s been years! Yes years!

My coterie of friends and there ever demanding need for my time, support and company. I can give them but then they don’t need it. Yes they don’t need it. It’s a self created necessity which can be satiated with their own perennial resources. I think its time when I decide what I want and who wants me!! A question as confusing as the questioner himself. For certain people I’m not required, yes I’m not but I still hang on in their life with those last threads which are awaiting their peril. I want them to break now. This slowly killing pace is killing me softly. Everyday when I think I can hang on, a thread breaks. It leads no where.

The new relationships waiting at the anvil are a gimmick that life is putting to me. To get into a relationship only to drop out of it is not what I desire in life. I’m not devil’s own knight man, who is here to bestow people with the slings n arrows of their outrageous fortune. I desire to bring a smile on every man I come across; I desire to make every soul serene with my company and friendship; I desire to walk along the treacherous path making their journey simpler and smoother. I desire, I desire…..