Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dawn !!

Every morning, I wake up to turn a new leaf in the book of my life… and every evening, I turn back five, to be back in that abyss. Every day dawns with great hope and optimism… and the evening sets in with the daunting reality called ‘LIFE’.
I’m an ordinary guy, looking for that prefix ‘Extra’ in my existence. It isn’t simple being ordinary. The pressure to co – exist in a cannibalizing world takes the sheen off your visage, the juice off your spirit and the life off your ‘Life’.
I hate the word “Compromise” but that’s the other name for “Life” for me. An ordinary only compromises with every other thing co – existing around him. He has no wishes, desires, power or authority to overrule any aspect of his existence.
An ordinary is like the moon, he may shine bright in the night sky, helping the poet with his prose, the lovers with some romantic anecdote, the holy to shun the evil, the oldies with reminiscences, but without any innate light of his own.  
An ordinary doesn’t have the face that he can boast of. He is always behind someone. That someone becomes extra – ordinary, though the ordinary is always his backbone.

I’m an ordinary guy, looking for that prefix ‘Extra’ in my existence.


Unknown said...

Some lines were extra-ordinary. Well, I wish you all the luck in the world so that you find your prefix asap!
- She

Nayana said...

I believe everyone is EXTRAordinary in his/her own way ;) Well if we see it this way then extraordinary means a little more ordinary :D so in that sense mediocrity doesn't sound bad at all...

Unknown said...

good one :)

Unknown said...

Good one :)